How does it work?
A seasoned beekeeper will come by as needed to make sure your bees have everything they need. Then come summer, we harvest all the honey that your bees produce and bottle it with your own unique label.
How much honey do I get?
Anywhere from 20-40lbs in the first year. By the second year the max can be closer to 50lbs once the hive is more established. All honey is bottled/jarred after extraction in early July.
How much space do I need?
Not much! A single hive only needs an area of about 4x4' mainly just to make sure they have plenty of room to fly. Ideally the area should be level and have some amount of sun throughout the day. Bees like having lots of sun, just like flowers!

Will my neighbors be affected?
While there have been no issues with this so far, it is recommended that hives be placed no closer than 20 feet from all property lines and 50 feet away from any area, such as farmland, that is regularly treated with chemicals/pesticides.
How many hives can I have?
Two hive maximum for most residential clients to make sure the bees have plenty of resources. Five hive maximum for clients at a business address as they typically have more space and thus resources
How much does it cost?
The flat monthly rate depends on how many hives you want or location of your home. We serve the Greater Charlotte area from Mooresville to Belmont. Annually the cost for one hive is anywhere from $800-1600 depending on the plan you choose.
How do I get started?
Fill out the contact form to confirm your interest so that we can reserve your hive. Then we will schedule a visit to your property to find the best location for your hive. When the hive is ready come spring, we will deliver it and put it on a stand so that the bees are not on the ground.